
Gaming Journal - The Dungeon Dozen

The Dungeon Dozen has taken a great and novel idea and tilted it on it's proverbial ear by using a simple 12-sided die. Check out their site for hundreds of tables using a simple 12-side roll. Great fun and a hodgepodge of dungeon encounter and gaming primers.

Yeah, but THESE Zombies....
Restrain and carry off living subjects for the necromancer's unspeakable experiments

Yeah, but THIS Mummy...
Must restore its tissues in fortnightly baths of the purest virgin blood

More Unknown Spells
Charm of Advantageous Auto-Decapitation: caster's head detaches from body at will and floats around independently

Cursed Items Most Terrible
Raygun of Instantaneous Exploding: erupts in blinding white hot blast followed by mushroom cloud when triggered, players duly warned off science-fantasy tropes

While the PCs Toiled Underground
The dead rise from their graves: totally uninterested in devouring the flesh of the living, they instead attempt to re-occupy former residences, make withdrawals from banking establishments, join the queue for bread at the bakery, show up for work, etc.

Items on the Witch's Utility Belt
Ornate gorgon-bone snuff box with dose of powerful witch stimulant

Patrons Now Hiring: Assassins
Charlatan high priest needs idle threats issued publicly as "unholy curse" cunningly carried out to avoid career-destroying humiliation

Underworld Wilderness Dressing: Living
Disturbingly large pillbugs creep out of unseen hidey-holes to haul away the recent dead

Street Weirdos in the Big City
The Masked Agitator shrieks out anti-plutocratic screeds to all and sundry until city guard summoned, continues lecture while eviscerating pawns of the system then disappears into the night

Assassins for Hire
Serial killer dedicated to self-mastery, highly talented but only 50% chance proposed victim will tickle fancy, otherwise will target potential employer at unspecified future time

Yeah, but the gaze of THIS cockatrice...
Reduces most sentient beings to blubbering heaps of inconsolable sadness, dwarfs go berserk and kill everything they see

Unpleasant Callers at the Adventurers' HQ
Gaggle of blissed-out religious fanatics called upon by unmentionable deity to convert PCs to cult if its the last thing they do

Stuck in the Giant Spider's Web
Spell book inscribed with 1d4 unknown spells and Abandoned chainmail bikini
- Phran-dahl's Face Eraser
- Excellent Ray of Nudity
- The Stench of Unknown Origin
- Xix's Automatic Nervous Breakdown

Fear-Induced Freak Outs
Falls to knees, pleading desperately to wide range of gods for salvation despite any preexisting religious convictions

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