
Gamiing Journal - Star Wars RPG: The Sect of Traya

The Sect of Traya: An off-shoot of the Ancient Sith Empire

Pre Episode I

Shortly after the dissolution of the Sith Empire

The Sect of Traya is a cult of murder, assassination, and political manipulation whose ancient origins arose in what will one day become the Corporate Sector Authority or similar colony worlds beyond the Outer Rim. The group consists of a triumvirate of dark Jedi that rose in prominence while under the visage of an emissary of an unidentified Sith Lord. Later, their prominence would ensure training under the patient eyes of an ancient and forgotten Sith Specters. They would be instructed by these Sith specters in the Sith arts. These same ancient Sith specters merged with the Force prior to Darth Bane’s proclamation of the Rule of Two. Their acceptance in those teachings and their rebirth as Sith created a significant tremor in the Force in their era of the Galactic Republic. This tremor clouded the meditations of the Jedi masters, but was enough to attract weaker Jedi Knights and foolish Padawans into investigating it. Days later, with a tremor in the Force that could no longer be ignored, the newly formed Jedi Council ordered it so. What happened to this contingent of Jedi was disavowed. The incident was shelved in the secret archives of the Jedi Order and remained forgotten for centuries.

Close to the Sith teachings and their ancient wars, this cult begins to attract a following amongst the disheartened and disillusioned of several star systems, but mainly within the corporate sectors and the criminal underworld. Disavowing the name of the Sith publicly, they use several covers and fronts to hide their true objectives, this group’s underlying agenda seeks to overturn the teachings of Darth Bane through their Mistress, the specter of Darth Traya.

Twenty years before the birth of Annikin Skywalker

Although Jedi are blind to this tremor (as the Dark Side clouds everything), it flared again through the flow of the Dark Side of the Force. Dark Plagueis and his new apprentice Darth Sidious are spurred into fascination with another dark-side cult operating on the fringes of the known Galaxy. Their investigations turned up only insignificant leads. Darth Plagueis, living unto his namesake, curtails his then-apprentice Sidious’ inquiries and forbids any further investigations into this group. Enraged, Sidious demands an explanation. Darth Plagueis says, “It is not our destiny my servant. The Force has stated it such. Come. We have other tasks, such as The Trade Federation and Naboo, at hand.” Darth Plagueis continues his research into the midi-chlorians and contemplates through the power of the Dark Side. His apprentice continues his own discrete investigations through his own personalized selection of agents and servants. He states openly to Darth Plagueis that he will unravel this mystery when he is the Dark Lord of the Sith.

Plagueis merely shrugs.

In the second year after the destruction of the Jedi temple on Coruscant, Agents of Palpatine’s inner circle sifted through the Temple’s databases and unearth some significant leads that draws the attentions of the current Sith Lords. In an effort to find Darth Sidious and Darth Tyrannus, a small contingent of Jedi knights, six in number, including Padawans are sent into an unexplored region of space. Any records, star charts, or communications are lost in the turbulence after the declaration of Order 66. A surviving fragment suggests they encountered two lightsaber-wielding individuals and ones trained outside the Jedi Order and the Sith. Later intercepts from this party are never sent.

Training with a lightsaber, training outside the Order, and outside the precepts of Darth Bane’s Sith. Palpatine could have sent Lord Vader to investigate or any the lesser Jedi swayed under his direct influence to do it. But, it was better to err on the side of caution, and most of all, patience.

The cult is baited as an invitation to Coruscant to hunt and eradicate Jedi Knights of the fallen order. The disciples of Traya suspect a trap and their eventual assassination. Thus they consult with ancient Sith masters before proceeding in any matter. The old Masters are delighted that the Jedi Order is sundered and thus through the force learn that Darth Bane’s proclamation of the Two is fulfilled. His declaration of the Rule of Two, logically, is no longer valid. However, they still sense treachery on the part of Darth Sidious. Suspecting a trap and assassination, the current cult masters send two of their own and a third Padawan knowing their sect will survive. It is agreed that Darth Pravus, Darth Apathos, one apprentice, Darth An’gres are the best combatants while Darth Noxys remains hidden to train two future masters in case of their eventual failure.

The disciples pose as a band or marauders at first and slowly reveal lies as to the mysteries of their origin and their number to the twin Sith Lords. Against Vader’s better objections, Palpatine uses them to hunt and eliminate Jedi while Vader is occupied with other assignments. They are quite resourceful, even without the resources of the new Imperial bureaucracy, in tracking and eliminating surviving Jedi.

They are summoned before Emperor Palatine, his Imperial Guards, Stormtroopers, and Lord Vader himself. They are asked if they know of the Rule of Two. Darth Pravus replies verbally but scoffs at the idea. He says, “Yes, but we do not serve the lineage of Darth Bane, but of Darth Traya. The Sith rule the galaxy, but it shall be our turn one day.” Seeing the cult as a threat to his power, the Emperor frowns in disagreement. He unsheathes his red lightsaber and brandishes in violence at the three upstarts. A lengthy battle ensues and all three Sith renegades are destroyed.

Darth Noxys feels the death of her companions and consolidates her hold of her Sith Order, keeps it secluded and safely away, until she senses the deaths of Darth Sidious and Darth Vader. In their demise, she trains to new lords and grants them their titles. The line of Darth Bane has been severed. The prophecy has been fulfilled. There is no need for his philosophy anymore.

The Current Triumverate

“Drape yourself in the Dark Side. Do not feel the darkness but embrace it as I have. Such sensuous knowledge will set you free.”
- Darth Noxys, The Hidden Master, The Teacher Unseen, The Lady Sith in Darkness

Little is known of Darth Noxys save she bathes irregularly in a nutrient tank to stave off impending skin damage and infection from light and UV exposure. When she is not soaking or meditating, she drapes herself in gossamer clothing and facial veils reminiscent of a Sith Priestess. The clothing serves to blunt her exposure to direct sunlight. Otherwise she stays in her temple, secluded, save for a few adepts wishing to learn the ways of the Dark Side. Her personality is said to be soothing first, seductive second, and violent in its finality. It is said she has mastered a simple but effective technique to quench light from a variety of sources, including energy weapons like blasters. She is said to be a master at concealing herself within the Force. Horribly, she can inflict pain and suffering on those through the Force.

“Bring out from what lies within. Let it serve you in its fullest emotions. In this philosophy, there is freedom and thus the personification of one’s identity in wielding the key to victory. In that moment the epiphany of the Dark Side shall break the shackles that bind.”
- Darth Thraxus, The Master of All Corruption

Of all three, little is known save he is a master of physical violence and psychological manipulation. He is the destroying fist of the Triumverate. Darth Thraxus has mastered a unique technique of the Dark Side that enables his to kill individuals through the force when he wills it. How this technique is performed is unknown, but is has something to do with his name.

“Enticement, Want, Loyalty. Entice those that strive to serve, bind them to your principles. Then they shall serve you and thus the Dark Side of the Force.”
- Darth Minos – Master of Disciples, the Patron of Blind Loyalty, Patron of Minions and Assassination

Darth Minos is the hierarch of the Triumverate. A sociological strategist, he is the called the Dark Lord of Minions for he has an army of assassins, bounty hunters, mercenaries, smugglers, and other criminals who at one time of have sworn their loyalty, either through blackmail or corruption, or willing barter. His identity is unknown. His abilities of the Force enable him to suppress memories and psychological triggers entrenched by Sith and Jedi. He is superb at subterfuge and brainwashing and easily capable of making double agents when the situation suits his goals.

The Axiom of the Sect of Traya

Betrayal will not find you in the Dark Side when you embrace it,
Nor from within shall it harm you if it flourishes,
Your disciples will be our strength.

My notion is that with the Jedi Order shattered and scattered across the galaxy, Darth Bane’s version of the Order of the Sith and its direct lineage ends with Sidious and Vader. Vader uses this philosophy to some extent and in a self-serving way, to keep his master at bay while he searches for his son and potential heir.

The Sect of Traya is centered on historical references to Darth Traya, not her own philosophy and subsequent actions.

- Betrayal was the downfall of Darth Traya and her students. Loyalty amongst the Triumverate is the first cornerstone.
- Power over our enemies will come, Patience, thus the second cornerstone.
- Mutual gain comes third within the Triumverate. The Triumverate is first, thus focus is the third cornerstone.
- Leave treachery, betrayal, and murder in the hands of your servants and lackeys for such trivial matters are not the will of Traya or her chosen disciples.
- The Force is the inherent problem, not the unending wars between the Jedi and the Sith, thus it should serve the will of the wielder, not the wielder serving the Force.
- The Force is but a tool as a means to an end.

Source Material
“Heritage of the Sith,” Star Wars Insider, July/August 2006, No. 88
The Insidious Force
Wikipedia: Darth Traya
Wookieepedia: Darth Traya

© Star Wars and all intellectual propertie is the copright of George Lucas, 2007.
© d6 Legends and d6 Classic is the copyright of West End Games, 2007.

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